Bound Nipple Clamps - D1


NS Novelties

  • Price: 29.99AUD In stock
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Bound Nipple Clamps - D1

Let's talk about your journey into the realm of pleasure, where Bound Nipple Clamps - D1 become the brushstrokes of your own sensual masterpiece. Adjustable, stimulating, and oh-so-colorful, these clamps are more than accessories – they're the canvas for your intimate creativity.

Made from nickel-free metal, they're not just clamps; they're instruments of pleasure crafted with precision. The silicone tips? Consider them the soft bristles that add comfort to every stroke, making sure your canvas is a delight to explore.

At 26 grams, they're the light touch that adds just the right amount of pressure – a delicate dance on your skin. The material, a blend of iron and silicone, creates a tactile experience that's as unique as your artistic expression.

Now, let's talk about the assortment of shapes and colors. It's like having a palette of possibilities at your fingertips. Whether you want the simplicity of silver or the bold statement of black, Bound Nipple Clamps - D1 let you paint your pleasure with style.

Whether you're an experienced artist in the world of BDSM or a curious creator ready to explore your canvas, Bound Nipple Clamps - D1 are your tools for sensual expression. Ready to unlock your creativity? Click 'Add to Cart' and let the masterpiece unfold!

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