Guide To Couples Pussy Pumping!

Female Pumping
I am a pussy pumper – so let you tell me about my Couples Pussy Pumping experiences. Being proud to be a pussy pumper, today I write to you to bring you the low down of pussy pumping play. Consider this, pussy pumping 101. I was once like you, sitting on the other side of the screen reading people write about their experiences with pussy pumping. Wondering if it was the thing for me. I asked myself several questions such as; Will pussy pumping hurt, or will it cause damage?

Will my vagina look like vaginas in porn movies?

Will the vaginal swelling go down? Will my sexual partner find it weird that I want to pump my pussy? I had all of these questions in my head, and more. After having used them, after considering myself experienced with them, I think that they are delightfully humble little sex toys.… Read the rest